Update 1.17.0 (January 16)

New Tier A-Corvette (Endauri)

  • Metamorphosis

All allied squadrons receive Increase Resistance and Increase Armor for 10s. Also, all allies restore Shield up to 30% of their initial Shield value.

  • Zero Entropy Sphere

Scylla has a chance to block the arrival of enemy reinforcements. Chance to block a drone launch is 60%. Chance to block the arrival of enemy squadron is 40%

  • Pulsar Aegis

All allies gain +3% damage mitigation for each unique race in the allied fleet. All allies gain +30% additional shield damage for each Endauri squadron in the fleet

  • Energy Veil

All allies gain +5 resistance for each Endauri squadron and +5 accuracy for each other squadron in the fleet

- New clan perks have also been added.

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